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Punctuality Reminders

Lessons start at 8.55am promptly

  • Gates open at 8.40am
  • Children can enter the playground from 8.40am – this is the time you should aim to arrive at school for.
  • Registers are taken at 8:50am - if your child is coming through the gate at this time, they are already late.
  • The playground gates shut promptly at 8.50am – we expect all children to be in the building by this time, ready for lessons to begin at 8:55am.

If you arrive after 8:50am, you are required to sign your child in at the Office. This is because there will no longer be staff in the playground to escort your child in, due to their lateness.

Sending your child through the gate alone after 8:50am is a Safeguarding concern and will be reported.

If your child is not in their classroom at 8.50am, they are late. Arriving at the gate at 8.50am is classed as arriving late as your child will be missing the start of their lesson.

Children arriving late are generally unsettled in the morning which has a significant impact on their learning. They are also at risk of missing key lessons such as phonics and reading.


Please do not send your children into school via the office unaccompanied. This is a safeguarding issue which will be reported.

Unaccompanied children are at risk of not being registered; we may not know they are in the building and would not be able to account for them in an emergency situation. Children arriving late should be registered by you with the School Office.  An explanation for the lateness should also be provided.

We’re here to help!

If you are having issues ensuring your child’s regular attendance or you are struggling to arrive before 8.50am each day, please phone us on 01689 602786 or email to arrange a time to speak with our Pupil Support Lead, Miss Nabdoo, or a member of SLT.