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What we do in school to keep your children safe

What does safeguarding in School mean?

Schools play an essential role in protecting children from abuse and neglect. Our school keeps all its children and families safe by:

  • Creating safe environments for children and young people through robust safeguarding practices
  • Ensuring that adults who work in the school, including volunteers, don't pose a risk to children
  • Making sure staff are trained, know how to respond to concerns and keep-up-to-date with policy and practice
  • Teaching children about staying safe
  • Maintaining an environment where children feel confident to approach any member of staff if they have a worry or problem.
  • Being proactive against bullying and racist behaviour
  • Protecting our children from harassment and discrimination
  • Maintaining a positive approach to behaviour management including the use of physical intervention, safely, when necessary
  • Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions
  • Providing first aid
  • Protecting children from drug and substance abuse
  • Enabling children to enjoy safe educational visits
  • Children are safe when using the internet and making sure they are aware of cyber bullying.
  • Ensuring our school site is secure and safe

Types of abuse:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect
  • Online abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Child sex exploitation
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Bullying and cyber bullying
  • Child trafficking
  • Grooming
  • Harmful sexual behaviour
  • Extremism and radical behaviour
  • Child on child abuse

An abused child will often experience more than one type of abuse, as well as other difficulties in their lives. It often happens over a period of time, rather than being a one-off event. And it can increasingly happen online.

Our main priority is to keep your child(ren) safe and healthy so that they can learn effectively and enjoy their school experiences.


All external doors and gates have access controls or locks. This is to ensure that no-one can get into school without speaking to a member of the office team. All staff members have identity badges and visitors are asked to wear a sticker and coloured lanyard when they sign in at the school office. Anyone seen in school without identification will be challenged as to the purpose of their visit. CCTV cameras around the school ensure we can see who is on the grounds.

DBS Checks

Anyone who works with children requires an enhanced DBS check. All staff and regular volunteers undergo an enhanced DBS check before they can work with children in the school or on visits etc. Temporary staff and contractors are checked in accordance with nationally agreed procedures. DBS checks are not always required if volunteers are with children in a supervised situation i.e. another DBS cleared adult is present throughout, so you may find that you will be able to help without a check for a one-off school visit etc.

Child Protection

All our staff have regular child protection training where they are told what to do if they have a concern. If you have a concern about a child then please talk to a member of the Safeguarding Team. Child protection concerns may have to be shared with other professionals. The school has a clear Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy which can be viewed on our website, or you can obtain a paper copy from the school office.

First Aid

We have numerous certified staff trained as emergency first-aiders and paediatric first-aiders.

Social Media

Be aware of social media and how your children use it. Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram and WhatsApp are not to be used by children under 13.

Travelling to and from School

There are no official guidelines about how old children should be to walk to school on their own. However, we would prefer this only to be considered for children in Year 5 and 6. At this time, children are developing their independence and some are ready for this level of trust. This decision will be made by their parents or guardians who will know their child well enough to know whether they are ready, as they prepare their child for secondary school. If your child walks to school on his/her own, we would ask you to consider a few things. Do they know how to be safe? Do they know how to cross the road, who to talk to, who not to talk to and where to go if they are worried? We also ask you to inform the school office that you allow your child to walk to or from school and update your Arbor permissions to reflect this.


Our school has an anti-bullying policy which is available on our school website. We cannot say that bullying will never occur, but we will do our best to resolve any incidents and ensure the children know who to talk to and where to find help. If you have any concerns about bullying, please talk to your child’s teacher or any member of the Senior Leadership Team. 

Contact Us

This is a brief overview of how we ensure your child is safe. If you feel we could do more, or you want to know more, please get in touch with a member of the Safeguarding Team or Senior Leadership Team via the school office.