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Pupil Voice

Here at Leesons, we really value the thoughts and opinions of all our children.

Each year, we elect Head and Deputy boys and girls from year 6. Candidates have to present to the school explaining why they should be voted into office and then all children are given the opportunity to vote for their Head Boy and Head Girl.

Our Pupil Voice group ensures that the views of the children have a clear forum and as a result of this, can help to shape the decision-making of the school.

The Pupil Voice board aims to reflect the children's ideas and opinions which have been shared with their peers.​ Each class has 2-year 6 representatives who gather the views of the class and who are responsible for bringing those views to the pupil voice group - this format means that all classes have an equal voice in these discussions instead of the older classes having the most influence.

Our main focus this year will be to focus on continuing to improve and develop lunchtime provision as well as organising fundraising events for our chosen charities.


Our Lady's Catholic Primary School - Pupil Voice