Autumn 2
In English we will be looking at a range of exciting stories to inspire our writing. These include: How to Catch a Star, The Emperor's Egg and Twas' the Night Before Christmas. We will be focusing on the following skills:
- To use Fred sounds to help read and write words.
- To form letters clearly.
- To write on the lines.
- To use finger spaces between words.
- To learn to use capital letters at the start of a sentence.
- To learn to use full stops at the end of a sentence.
- To learn to use imperative verbs in my writing.
- To distinguish between fiction and non-fiction texts.
- To start to identify rhyme and rhythm in texts.
In Maths, we will be focussing on:
- Place value within 10
- Addition and subtraction within 10
- Geometry - Shape
- Place value within 20
Within each strand, children will also focus on reasoning and applying taught concepts - this will help us to be better mathematical thinkers.
In PSHE, we are learning about Celebrating Differences.
In Music, we are practising Christmas songs.