Autumn 1
In English we will be looking at a range of exciting stories to inspire our writing. These include: The Gruffalo and The Snail and The Whale. We will be focusing on the following skills:
- To use Fred sounds to help read and write words.
- To form letters clearly.
- To write on the lines.
- To use finger spaces between words.
- To learn to use capital letters at the start of a sentence.
- To learn to use full stops at the end of a sentence.
- To learn to use adjectives in my writing.
- To start to identify rhyme and rhythm in texts.
In Maths, we will be focussing on:
- Place value within 10
- Addition and subtraction within 10
- Geometry - Shape
- Place value within 20
Within each strand, children will also focus on reasoning and applying taught concepts - this will help us to be better mathematical thinkers.
In PSHE our topic is 'Feeling Special and Safe.'
Our topic is 'Ourselves'. In this unit we will be exploring sounds, number and beat.
Our topic is 'Keyboard skills'.