PE Quotes
"PE allows me to improve my skills in a range of sports such as football, basketball and hockey." -Year 6
"I enjoy when someone throws the ball and I have to catch it." - Year 1.
"I love PE because I really enjoy rounders." - Year 2
I love rounders because it is a competitive team sport." - Year 5
"I like playing rounders and hitting the ball." Lelya - Year 2
'I love getting faster and improving my running. I also like practising my batting and fielding skills in cricket." - Year 5
'I enjoy playing team games like cricket as I enjoy batting.' - Year 4
"I like getting better at batting the ball in rounders and being in a team." - Year 2
"My favourite game to play is dodge ball, but I like all team games that we learn to play in PE." - Year 4
"In PE I love playing lots of different sports and getting to play in teams. I especially enjoyed swimming and improving my front crawl and racing against my friends." - Year 6